Get Yo Head Out the Hat...

I haven’t blogged in long while, but let’s just say today dierr the inspiration has come.

Said inspiration being that it’s not been long since that time of the month, and a sister has got a lot of repressed energy sitting in this body. Figured I’d put it to some good use.

Sara Jakes Roberts shared a short video on her Instagram and I stumbled upon it while productively scrolling = honestly just wasting my data/battery power on there. I took some notes.

It made me see that I had to start making my home in these words again, if I ever want to actually say something to the world, and so here it goes. Also, it's not deep like that, I've just been lazy and I want to start writing again. I lied, it is deep – I’m just feeling convicted.

  • ·        “There is a mantle assigned to your name.

Because you were not made to be in a vacuum, there was work for you to do. There is work for you to do.

And because of that work, you are going to be attacked by difficulty after difficulty. If ever there was a time for your efforts to be derailed and your gifts to be doubted, it would be now.

  • ·        There is a purpose to your existence.

Your life is not a coincidence and you are not an accident. A new friend was trying to explain to me the “race to fertilization” and while it sounded like a load of animated biological actions to me, some parts rang true. You see, it took a lot to get you here, and as for me I like to believe now that it goes beyond sex, dumb luck or fertility. It was a fight and if He knew you even while you were not yet conceived, then you matter. Paah.

  • ·        You will unleash the gifts God placed on the inside onto the world. And you will fulfill that purpose."

Pick yourself up today, write that chapter you’ve been struggling to pen down, open that online shop you’ve been thinking about, quit those friends that enable you each and every day to stray further away from God’s light, put down that bottle and forfeit the substances you love – the ones that abuse you, walk away from that relationship that drains every good thing from you, and if it is sex/masturbation or some form of addiction you struggle with – get yourself an accountability partner today.

Delete those “heyyyy” numbers that text at midnight, set up the filters and the blocks on your social media and if you're like me and you can't trust yourself - give your phone to a friend to do it for you, trust them and God to put a lock on the things that trigger your decline.

And in the days when you have reached the end of your rope, find solace in the church community around you, the good friends and even the silence. Take a walk, go running, do something nice to your hair, wash your face and unleash the gifts on the inside onto the outside.

This doesn’t promise to solve all your problems, it’s just a small step – even though little, at least in the right direction.
God and the rest of us are waiting.

Follow Sara Jakes on Instagram if you use it, and check out her page from time to time. You might learn something new.

Follow me too if you can (@adjefa), send me a quick hello – and forgive me for all the memes/ I just learned how to do that, and it's so much fun!

Grace and Peace.


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