Hey Wednesday...

Hey there. It’s another week to be great, to go out there and claim the goodness and the greatness that belongs to you. It’s a great new opportunity to go out and make something out of the day, out of your life, out of this week. That soppy optimism aside, here’s what’s really happening. It’s Wednesday - barely the middle of the week and you might probably already be tired. Tired of working. Tired of thinking. Maybe even tired of breathing. Let’s not pretend for one second. Let’s not pretend we’re the bee’s knees for that second, or that the world is our oyster. Let’s embrace the pessimistic, the realistic, the cold hard… truth? The world is broken. And we are flawed. Incredibly flawed at that. “So now what?” you ask, 😏 You see, it’s not rainbows and unicorns all the time. But it is also fruitless labour to throw your hands in the air and claim death and despondence because the world is broken. Yes, your job sucks - but so does hunger. And your depression...