HOW TO BABYSIT CRYING KIDS! “Go on, louder!” Shout at them, *It’s a challenge any kid is going to be up to. But then again, if he or she’s not going to stop when you tell them to, what’s the point? You might just score some points on the kid radar as the ‘adventurous’ one, encourage them to scream it all out. “I’m out." *Nothing a child loves to hear better than those words. Just leave them to it; they’re little attention—seekers who’ll rule your life with a whimper. Escape while you can!!! *and while you're at it, catch up on your sleep! * *You could always just be the typical African and paddle it outta them. This is where personal experience comes in, my parents just whooped all the stupidity out of me, and look, I’m just fine. (I think) *Cry along with them. If you give them a glimpse of just how ugly their contorted faces look like when they cry, you might just frighten them into submission. Trust...