STUFF I DO BEFORE EXAMS * Study, weeks to the test I have my face stuck in the textbook. * Stay very conscious of the time, so I am well rested (it helps my brain absorb information easily) Who am I kidding? * Address the teacher directly with my concerns about the topic, so I understand better. * Go to bed early the night before, and revise all my notes in my dreams. * Keep calm during, and after the exam. * Ace the test. WHAT I ACTUALLY DO BEFORE ANY EXAM… 1. Procrastinate. 2. Some more procrastination. 3. The night before, sit behind a desk and stare at the textbook. 4. Fall asleep on the book, and pray osmosis is real. 5. Meditate. Do yoga, and ‘connect with my inner being’. 6. Turn on my phone for soothing music, get side-tracked by Twitter, and time travel on Facebook. 7. Check the time; realize I’m in a different time zone. Turn on the lights and begin to cram. 8. Go back to ph...