
Showing posts from March, 2016

Kitty Heaven

"One day we'll all be dead. And the least of our problems will be global warming, or how much a Ferrari costs. We won't be concerned about the different shades of the colour peach there are, and we most definitely won't give a hoot about who wins the La Liga. No one would really care about oblivion anyway. Because then, we'd be dead. And our souls; who knows?"                                                        → Me                                                                                    Mortality is a strange concept to me. It is either something I think about all the time, or none of the time.  After losing both parents and an unborn sibling, it is a concept that tends to confuse me.  It took a long time for me to get past the quiet others perceived as my indifference/ignorance to the death of my parents, to reach what became a constant thought, my own mortality/death  - that is. Now though, I have a mu