I stew sometimes. Not like the familiar simmering and eventual bubble one is used to when it comes to the favoured term, stew. But more like an insipid flow that seems unlikely to have any direction at all, then finally bursts into resolution – then back down to a confused “ what was that about ?” My stewing has got to do with a lot of things – sometimes caused by interpersonal relationships, but more so my failure at navigating them successfully. I stew; with nothing constructive in sight because my brain has the attention span of a puppy with ADHD. Stewing for me seems less problematic than engaging people on the things that rub me off in the wrong way, & sometimes fights end more victoriously in your mind than they ever would in person. Just pure despair... I would love combat with the people I stew about, turning rude quips and insults into whimpering cowardice once they realise I am not the one to mess with. But in my mind. Nobody has got the time ...