Whoo!!! Okay, this version of WordPad is a bit better than the one I'm usedn to, and by used to, I mean absolutely detest! Also, pretend you didn't see the fact that I typed out "usedn" up there, I'm sometimes too petty to make said corrections - blame the computer for this. Let's get to it then. I almost didn't write this post. Because I suck at goodbyes and apologies, and I've never known how to pretend like one thing is something that it's not, even though I'm the queen of beating about the bush. Like the way I'm doing now. Wait here while I go Google pictures of Ansel Egort for inspiration. I read this blog yesterday. Just yesterday, because my prospective employer wanted to see if I could write, and she wanted to see something I had done previously. Suffice to say, it was weird reading my own words, and there were those moments when I was ready to swear that those words I was reading were not mine. I c...