The Heart's Content

The thing with hearts is that they are rebellious. They simply won't sit still. They defy time. And space. And gravity. Hearts are deceptive. Hearts are loud. They make like hail on tin roofs, protesting peace of mind with a frightful racket. The heart is a rebel. Which is why she still thinks of him years after he's gone. Why he still goes through her Instagram feed and pretends to himself he doesn't care about the men crowding her comments with compliments. The heart tends to get what it wants, This is why I don't like to eat oats. And why I pick every single green off my meal. Even though I know within my iron-deficient self that's the one way I'll grow. The heart is treacherous, Why even while yelling to everyone willing to listen, "she's a closed chapter in my life" - it's not the slightest bit convincing. And we all know he's lying to himself. Do what your heart says, they tell ...