You Got Time?

"Prepare for war. Get that armour in place, fam. We ain't got time." Recently, I started reading Francine Rivers. The Mark of the Lion trilogy. And I have to confess that it's been quite the experience. If you've got enough money you can check bookstores for a copy. And if you're broke like me, downloading it from the internet works just fine. Now this is not the perfect time for me to discuss the various themes in that novel, but I can share a few... Christians suffer affliction. Now a great many people have exploded the theory that the Christian suffers no pain. They have preached the Christian into a constant state of grace. With no worries, no fears, no doubts, no problems. Every true Christian knows this is false. Jesus came from a race that suffered the greatest butcherings of all time, and he himself tells us... “If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the wor...